The 2018 winter season is rapidly coming to a close. There is still time to squeeze in an On-The -Snow ID course at your home mountain, but you need to hurry, sign-up and complete the NSP Hybrid soon so that the face-to-face meeting can be scheduled before the last ski area closes. That nominal date for completion looks like Sunday, April 1st (which is Easter).
Maybe the ski areas will stay open to April 8th, because there are several major winter snow storms already scheduled for the month of March. The weather pattern is set up, one per week until the warm weather breaks in.
Looking ahead towards OEC teaching season, the NH Region ID staff has scheduled an old-fashioned all-day classroom Instructor Development course. No computers, no online learning. Read your textbook, show up to class prepared with a teaching topic, and the event will guide you through the ID curriculum.
To find out the course registration details, follow this link to the Instructor Development ID Courses page . . . After the Autumn Refresher season, December first starts the Hybrid Self-Paced ID courses which typically end with a teaching session at your local mountain. To find out information on the three types of ID Course that NH Region teaches, visit the main Instructor Development web page, by following this link . . .