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MTR 1 Course (Mountain Travel & Rescue)


EMRI and NH Region Ski Patrol is offering an MTR 1 Class to be held at Abenaki Ski Area, Wolfeboro, NH 

Are you a ski patroller, outdoor enthusiast, or search and rescue (SAR) team member eager to enhance your survival and navigation skills in the backcountry? Or perhaps you're a weekend adventurer seeking the know-how to explore the outdoors safely and comfortably? If so, this course is designed to prepare you for your next adventure. 

This course fulfills an NSP Senior Elective  requirement.

This course includes one online evening session scheduled for November 13th and the outdoor field skills sessions, which includes an outdoor overnight session, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday November 23rd and 24th.

Our course will be held at Abenaki Ski Area in Wolfeboro, NH.  Field skill-building sessions will begin at 10:00 AM on Saturday, 9am Registration,  and continue through to around 3:00 PM on Sunday afternoon.  This course includes an overnight camping element and continues straight through to Sunday. An online learning session using one opf the NSP Learning systems will cover the details as students prepare and plan for the MTR excursion.

A few of the topics will include:
  • Map and compass navigation, GPS basics
  • Wilderness travel
  • Search and rescue
  • Mountain Travel and Rescue Equipment
  • Low Angle Rope Rescue
  • Shelters 

Your instructors will include EMaRI and NH Region NSP Mountain Travel and Rescue Instructors.

As part of the class, students should be prepared to complete online work and, during the field session weekend, hike varied terrain, spend one night outdoors overnight, and prepare their own meals outdoors.  

If you have any questions please use the website's CONTACT US form and select MTR to direct your message to the Instructor group.  One of us will answer as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, talk to your friends at your Patrol and gather a group to take this valuable NSP course.  Non-members are welcome (non-members will receive a "Certificate of Completion" which they may present to their Search and Rescue organization).

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.

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